The lovely Cavalier King Charles Spaniel suffers from these painful genetic diseases...  

Pet News

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, known as the Little Milk Dog, is very popular in the UK. Its original name was not Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, but because of deep It was named after the favorite of King Charles I and Charles II of England. Although it looks noble, elegant, innocent and romantic, it also suffers from many inexplicable genetic diseases.

Lovely Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, unexpectedly bear Suffering from these painful genetic diseases...


Most Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have problems with the length or structure of the eyelids, in which case the surrounding area of ​​the dog The hair will poke the eyeball and cause corneal ulcers. At this time, you need to take the dog to the hospital to cut off the excess eyelid.

Heart disease

Heart disease is the most common genetic disease for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. According to statistics, nearly half of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Beagles can develop a heart murmur after the age of 5. And because many owners don't care, the dog's heart disease is aggravated, and it will be difficult to cure it once it reaches the later stage.


Cavalier King Charles Spaniels develop epilepsy if the skull closes too early during development, causing the brain to be squeezed Epilepsy. When dogs have a seizure, they lose control of their body and lose consciousness. At this time, the owner must not panic, remove the dangerous objects around the dog in time, or move the dog to a safe area to prevent the dog from being injured again.

Hip dysplasia

Generally only large dogs will have hip dysplasia, such as Labrador, golden retriever, german shepherd, etc. , but in fact, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is also deeply troubled by this. Many Cavalier King Charles Spaniels will have this symptom in their old age. At present, there is no corresponding treatment plan. They can only go to the hospital to take X-rays in the early stages of the dog. According to the position of the hip joint, the dog's situation is scored, and finally the dog is given post-care according to the severity of the grade.


Speaking of syringomyelia, many King Charles spaniels are suffering from this disease, this genetic disease the reason isIt’s because the dog’s occipital bone is too small, which makes the brain unable to hold it, causing the brain and spinal cord to move freely. In the later stage, as long as the dog’s head and neck are lightly touched, it will cause it to have a splitting headache. At present, the only cure is surgery, but the risk is very high High, so many owners can only euthanize their dogs in order to prevent their dogs from suffering.

You should not be able to imagine that there are so many genetic diseases behind the cute Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. If you are going to raise or have already raised a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, you must take the dog for physical examination regularly, so that you can predict the dog's physical condition in advance. Now that you have chosen it, you must cherish it.